
One of the easiest ways of earning money from home is to become a freelancer (that’s what my today’s post will be about). But as far as I am targeting this blog for make money online and work from home newbies I wanted to write about quick micro freelance working jobs.

To tell the truth there is a whole lot of such websites, which pay you money for completing all possible online freelance jobs.

Most of the time these include freelance writing jobs, local freelance tasks (for example work for freelancers in the USA or UK), programming jobs and other Internet based tasks.

You must understand that there are a lot of companies and webmasters, who will pay good money for your work, this could be all types of online freelance tasks, and I have just mentioned some of them (also you can check out my category called “Get paid to write”, where I have listed a whole lot of posts about making money with freelance blogging and writing jobs).

Along with my personal experience, it is not that hard to make a pretty good freelancer, you can start with micro freelance jobs (which could be found on various webmaster and make money online forums or for this your can use all possible free-lance and e-lance marketplaces and this is the point where I want to start writing about Odesk.com, which is a place where advertisers meet hard workers and it allows us make money from home by competing various jobs on the Internet).

Payment Proofs for 2012: (Join today)

March 2012

April 2012

May 2012

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